Holistic care

“We look at the body in health as meaning perfection and harmony, not in one part, but in the whole”

— Dr Still, Philosophy and Mechanical Principles of Osteopathy

How I treat

The above quote is one of the key foundation principles to Osteopathy and how I treat each patient.

After taking a detailed history of the presenting medical complaint and any other medical history, a physical examination is completed in order to attain more information from the tissues and movement from the body.

Dr Still was very clear, that, as Osteopaths, we must look at the body as a whole functioning unit. No part can be isolated from the other. Each of our ‘parts’ has a specific purpose and place for optimal performance.

There is a vast communication network through the musculoskeletal, venous, nervous and lymphatic systems that allow our bodies to harmoniously function. When one, or some, of these parts, have a little disturbance it can have an effect on other parts.  The role of the Osteopath is to be able to see which parts are not cooperating, why this is occurring, how it is impacting on the whole and what is needed to be done to restore balance.

For this reason, sometimes you may find that I treat an area of your body that may not be where your symptoms are currently presenting. There are physiological and anatomical links that may need to be addressed in order to have a beneficial impact on your symptoms.

A detailed case history and thorough physical examination are conducted in order to help piece together the appropriate treatment protocol for you.

I continue to learn from my patients every day and this allows me to provide the best Osteopathic care. No one treatment is the same as, together, we try to work through all the contributing layers and ultimately addressing the cause.

A gentle, hands-on treatment approach is used by applying various Osteopathic treatment principles – soft tissue, muscle energy, functional, visceral and Biodynamic Osteopathy (Osteopathy in the Cranial Field). With this combination, as well as advising on some lifestyle modifications, a holistic approach both in and out of the treatment room are achieved for an optimal result.

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